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Mindfulness for Healthcare Lifetime Access
A Journey to Post-Traumatic Growth
Welcome & Stat Mindfulness Practice, by Reena Kotecha and Jonathan Fisher (10:05)
Mindful Yoga with Dr. Jessie Mahoney: Nourish and Heal (43:20)
Finding Peace in Challenging Times, with Sharon Salzberg (60:09)
Post-Traumatic Growth, Resilience and Recovery, with Jenée Johnson (43:40)
Medicine, Mental Health & Mindfulness, with Reena Kotecha (59:44)
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for 2021 and Beyond, with David Treleaven (62:11)
How Are You, Really? A Path to De-stigmatizing Mental Health, with Nigel Girgrah (48:55)
Memo from a Bronx Hospital: Applying Mindfulness to Employee Well-being during the Height of COVID-19, with Jessica Shapiro & Stephanie Saklad (41:32)
Rekindling Connection and Purpose: Post-Traumatic Growth in Clinicians, with Susan Bauer-Wu (48:31)
Mindfulness for Resilience and Recovery
Welcome & Stat Mindfulness Practice, by Reena Kotecha and Jonathan Fisher (7:00)
Resilience & Recovery: Restorative Yoga + Live Music, with Anne Kennard (30:01)
Self-Compassion as a Way to Reduce Burnout, with Kristen Neff (48:32)
Informal Mindfulness Practices for Busy Healthcare Providers, with Jonathan Fisher (40:31)
Family Resilience and Balance in a Post-COVID World, with Chris Willard (44:06)
Emotional Awareness and Transforming Anger, with Eve Ekman and Efrat Lelkes (44:23)
The Science of Well-Being, with Parneet Pal (44:06)
Transforming Moral Suffering by Cultivating Moral Resilience, with Cynda Hylton Rushton (60:52)
Mindfulness and Resilience: A Self-Care Reminder for Leaders Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape, with Nika Gueci (59:04)
This Vulnerable Human Life: Wisdom from Death on Living Fully, with Frank Ostaseski (62:37)
Showing Up with Grit and Grace: How to Lead Under Pressure as a Nurse Clinician and Leader, with Lili Powell (61:36)
Managing Mindfully: Self-Care for Stress and Burnout, with Patricia Rockman (60:50)
Connection and Compassion
Welcome & Stat Mindfulness Practice, by Reena Kotecha and Jonathan Fisher (7:51)
Mindful Yoga with Dr. Jessie Mahoney: Exploring Buoyancy (44:54)
Deep Listening: A Key to Quality, Safety, Relationships and Meaning in Healthcare, with Ron Epstein (37:50)
Mindfulness, Listening and Communication: Training for Providers Caring for the Seriously Ill, with Mitchell Levy (57:28)
Empathic Curiosity: A Mindful Antidote to Clinician Burnout, with Jodi Halpern (43:56)
Building Mindful Resilience with Teens and Their Families, with Sam Himelstein (48:42)
Integrating Mindfulness into Clinical Care, with Mark Bertin (42:30)
Customizing Mindfulness Practices: Front Line Professionals Delivering Hands on Care, with Andrea Cohen, Charlene Brown, Ama Adepa Gryn, and Vinette Tyme (56:52)
An Integrated Approach to the Pediatric Co-morbidities of the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Ali Smith and Daniel Levy (55:47)
Training the Mind, Healing the Heart: A Cardiologist’s Perspective, with Jonathan Fisher (61:00)
Mindfulness and Institutional Change
Welcome & Stat Mindfulness Practice, by Reena Kotecha and Jonathan Fisher (8:13)
The Anatomy of Change: Yin Yoga + Live Music, with Anne Kennard (35:14)
Creating Mindful Culture, with Kip Hollister and Nate Klemp (46:01)
The Practice of Attention: Mindfulness in the Military and Military Medicine, with Amishi Jha and Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker (52:48)
Integrating Mindfulness Across a Safety Net Health System: Learnings from the First Five Years and Innovative Contributions during the Pandemic, with Zev Schumann-Olivier and Richa Gawande (62:33)
Contractions of Labor, Contractions of Life: Can Mindfulness Disrupt Intergenerational Patterns of Suffering? with Nancy Bardacke and Eluned Gold (48:11)
Emerging Lessons from Flint: Mindfulness as a Strategy to Respond to Crisis, with Bobby Mukkamala (36:12)
Mindful Anti-Racism: Healing Healers and Health Disparities, with Ni-Cheng Liang (32:33)
Leading from Within: Connecting Mindfulness, Leadership, and Social Justice, with Valerie Brown (43:30)
Beyond Cultural Competence: Contemplative Approaches to Addressing Health Care Providers' Bias, Anxiety and Avoidance with Racially Different Patients, with Doris Chang (59:57)
The Impact of Perceived Discrimination on Marginalized Communities and the Need for A New Paradigm for Community Medicine, with Sará King (62:33)
The Mindful Hospital: Mindful Community, Compassionate Care, with Dzung Vo and Joanna McDermid (69:03)
Bonus Audio Series: Cultivating Compassion, with Sharon Salzberg
About Sharon Salzberg
Opening the Heart
Gathering Energy
Connect with Loving-Kindness
Offering Loving-Kindness to Yourself and Others
Bonus Audio Course: Navigating Grief and Uncertainty, with Frank Ostaseski
About Frank Ostaseski
How Embracing Uncertainty Leads to Fulfillment
Learning to Love Endings
Cultivating Fierce Open Receptivity
Becoming More Curious and Less Critical
Bonus Course: Reclaiming Joy, with Jenée Johnson
About Jenee Johnson
Building Resilience By Staying in the Moment (6:12)
Affirmations to Remind Yourself That You Are Enough (7:36)
Exploring the Evolving Purpose of Your Life (11:19)
Trusting the Process of Practice (8:59)
Bonus Mini-Course:The Science of Attention, with Amishi Jha
About Amishi Jha
Understanding Your Brain's Attention System (7:58)
Training the Brain with Mindfulness Meditation (20:21)
Exploring the Research on Mindfulness Training (13:51)
Strengthening Moment-to-Moment Awareness (14:26)
Emotional Awareness and Transforming Anger, with Eve Ekman and Efrat Lelkes
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