About Elisha

Dr. Goldstein contends that we have the power to transform our traumas and the habitual patterns that keep us stuck in perpetual cycles of stress, anxiety, depression, or addiction. He offers practical strategies to calm our anxious minds, transform negative emotions, and facilitate greater self acceptance, freedom, and inner peace.

Dr. Goldstein’s unique ability to make complex concepts simple, and accessible, has led to him being invited to speak both nationally and internationally, with mental health professionals, educators, business leaders, and lay audiences. He has spoken at the UCLA Mindfulness and Psychotherapy Conference, headlining Thich Nhat Hanh, Daniel Siegel, and Jack Kornfield. He has spoken at, and with, NICABM Seminars, Psychotherapy Networker, FACES Conferences, The Help Group, Kripalu, UCLA Semel Institute and Anxiety Disorder Clinic, Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC), InsightLA, and the University of Washington with Dr. Alan Marlatt, among others.

Elisha is currently a licensed Psychologist in private practice in West Los Angeles, and teaches mindfulness-based programs through The Center for Mindful Living. He is one of our favourite contributers

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