Course Orientation
Welcome to the course, Cultivating Forgiveness: Letting Go to Find Inner Freedom!
Each week, you will be exploring a different theme connected to forgiveness. Each session has three parts: a video lecture for you to watch, a guided meditation for you to practice and deepen the themes introduced that week, and an opportunity to ask questions to the instructor and share your experience with others through a live Q&A. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. PT/Noon ET, starting November 5 and ending December 3. You will receive specific login instructions by email before they happen.
I recommend that you practice the guided meditation all week and that you don't skip ahead, as each week builds on the next.
We will begin with an overview of forgiveness, move to the practice of forgiving others, opening to forgiveness for things we've done, and then practice forgiving ourselves. The final week wraps it all up and gives suggestions for what to do next.
I encourage you to be kind to yourself as you begin this forgiveness journey. There's no rush to forgive; know it is a lifetime process.
I hope this course offers you tools and practices to take the next steps towards letting go and cultivating a more loving heart.
Enjoy the journey!