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Mindful Movement
Course Orientation
About Cara Bradley
About Mindful
Frequently Asked Questions and Contact Information
Module 1: Born to move
Welcome to the journey (2:44)
What you learn: Move your body and train your mind (3:15)
About the journey: (Summary of Course) (2:39)
Setting Intentions (3:35)
VIDEO: Redefining Movement Practice (9:35)
Module 2: What is movement
New definition of movement (7:11)
Mindfulness and Movement (16:03)
Exploring awareness of breath (Awareness) (11:15)
AUDIO: Stop take 5 experience
Reminders: Powerful tools (4:07)
VIDEO: Spinal Six Movement Practice (13:24)
Module 3: Moving your spine
Stimulate your brain (7:57)
AUDIO: Seated spinal six practice
Six movements of the spine (13:17)
AUDIO: Practice: Spinal six
Right attitudes (Start small) (4:45)
When do we use the spinal six (5:16)
VIDEO: Natural state Movement practice (18:20)
AUDIO: Practice Spinal six (Long version)
Module 4: Natural state of our calm clarity
Notice Glimpses (12:01)
Practice Senses (11:52)
Using our creative imagination: Aliveness (13:02)
Busy Mind, Busy Body (12:29)
Attitude to be kind (Attitude of Kindness) (14:52)
Putting it all together (Applying everything) (5:09)
VIDEO: In -Sync Movement Practice (18:17)
AUDIO: Gentle Awareness
Module 5: Synchronizing your mind and body
Rhythm Antidote (10:55)
Finding Rhythm (7:49)
AUDIO: Practice for finding the rhythm
What is coherence (19:35)
Coherent Breathing (7:36)
Coherent Breath Practice (7:18)
Cracking the code of perfectionism (6:39)
Synchronize Movement (3:28)
VIDEO: Exploring patterns movement practice (22:11)
AUDIO: Synchronizing your mind and body
Module 6: Recognizing patterns
How we work, How we tick (9:34)
Changing Patterns (8:29)
Practice: The Name Game (11:00)
Right attitude Let it go, Let it be (15:24)
AUDIO: Practice: Body scan
Bringing it home (4:31)
Movement practice: Experience (1:46)
AUDIO: Practicing recognizing patterns
Bonus section
History of movement (6:09)
Leaning into ripe opportunities (5:08)
Mindful workout (9:17)
AUDIO: Walk with me
AUDIO: Playing with boundaries
VIDEO: Playing with ripe opportunities (19:24)
Practice: The Name Game
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